RAS Logo   RAS Logo
Facoltà di Ingegneria — Aula S. Bobbio (Presidenza)
Napoli, 18 December 2006
D'Appolonia Logo   KUKA Logo
Digi.Lab Logo   Claudio Ricci
Totaro Logo   Symacontech Logo

Colloquium on Robotics and Automation


The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) will take place in April 2007 in Rome, for the first time in Italy since its inception in 1984. In preparation of the major event of next Spring, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) is pleased to sponsor this unique event, in cooperation with the RAS Italian Chapter and the IEEE Reliability Society (RS). The Colloquium will feature a number of distinguished lectures on broad topics from world-recognised experts. A short panel on the perspectives of industrial automation in the regional area will close the event. All faculty and scholars with an interest to robotics and automation are cordially invited. Participation of students is warmly encouraged. Admission is free. The kind patronage of KUKA Roboter Italia, D'Appolonia, Digi.Lab, Claudio Ricci, Totaro Automazioni and SymaconTech is gratefully acknowledged.


0830–0845 WELCOME
Prof. Edoardo Cosenza, Dean of Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Franco Garofalo, Head of Department of Computer and Systems Engineering
Prof. Bruno Siciliano, ICRA'07 Program Chair, IEEE-RAS President-Elect
0845–0855 Ms. Marsha Abramo, IEEE-RS Vice-President for Membership, "IEEE Membership. Its Mission. Its Benefits. The Organization"
0855–0920 Prof. Richard Volz, IEEE-RAS President, "The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society"
0920–0930 Prof. Domenico Prattichizzo, IEEE-RAS Italian Chapter Chair, "The Italian Chapter of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society"
0930–0955 Prof. Daniela Rus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), "Programmable Matter with Modular Robots"
0955–1020 Dr. Alex Zelinsky, CSIRO (Australia), "Smart Cars: An Ideal Applications Platform for Robotics and Vision Technologies"
1020–1040 Coffee Break
1040–1105 Prof. Seth Hutchinson, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA), "Vision-Based Control of Robot Manipulators"
1105–1130 Dr. Peter Corke, CSIRO (Australia), "Vision-based Underwater Robotics"
1130–1155 Prof. Roland Siegwart, ETH Zurich (Switzerland), "Challenging Robot Designs: From Micro Robots to Robots Actors"
1155–1220 Prof. Paolo Dario, Scuola Sant'Anna Pisa (Italy), "Achievements and Trends in Biorobotics"
1220–1245 Prof. Deirdre Meldrum, University of Washington (USA), "Automating Life-on-a-chip for Biomedical and Ecogenomic Applications"
1245–1310 Prof. David Orin, Ohio State University (USA), "Dynamic Maneuvers in a 3D Galloping Quadruped Robot"
1310–1430 Lunch Break
1430–1455 Prof. Oussama Khatib, Stanford University (USA), "Human-Centered Robotics"
1455–1520 Prof. Antonio Bicchi, Universitΰ di Pisa (Italy), "Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Dependability, Safety, and Performance"
1520–1545 Prof. William Hamel, University of Tennesse Knoxville (USA), "Human Interaction with Robots Working in Complex and Hazardous Environments"
1545–1610 Prof. Makoto Kaneko, Osaka University (Japan), "High Speed Hyper Human Technology Opens a New World"
1610–1635 Prof. Kazuhiro Kosuge, Tohoku University (Japan), "Robotics and RT Systems in Human Environments"
1635–1700 Prof. Sukhan Lee, Sungkyunkwan University (Korea), "Visually Guided Errand Service for Home Robot"
1700–1720 Coffee Break
Prof. Giuseppe Ambrosino, Chair of Automation Engineering, "Corso di studi in Ingegneria dell'Automazione"
Ing. Alberto Pellero, , KUKA Roboter Italia, "La Robotica Industriale in Italia"
Ing. Alessandro Ferrando, D'Appolonia, "D'Appolonia S.p.A. Company Presentation"
Ing. Valerio Vezzari, Digi.Lab, "Sistema Robotizzato di Misura e Controllo Dimensionale RVX2-MF"


PRISMA Logo            Prof. Bruno Siciliano
Prof. Luigi Villani
Ing. Vincenzo Lippiello
Ing. Agostino De Santis
PRISMA Lab, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II